Unfortunately we are not able to accept any applications
for Young Eagles until further notice”

As a Young Eagle member you will get the opportunity to experience flying for yourself.

You will have the opportunity to actually fly in an aircraft, experience how it works and look down on the world below from inside the safety of an aircraft.

Does this sound exciting to you? Would you like to enjoy this wonderful experience? You can, because this is an invitation to you to take to the skies and become a member of the Flying NZ Young Eagles.

Contact your local Aero Club and they will welcome you into their programme. You will be given a Young Eagles registration form, please make sure that you fill it in correctly and don’t forget to get your parents/guardians to sign the permission form. You must be between the ages of 12 and 18. 

Return the form to your Aero Club. They will introduce you to their coordinator and to a pilot who has been given special permission to conduct your flight. Your Special Pilot has been chosen because he or she is a very safe and competent pilot.Senior Young Eagles can enter for Scholarships and attend events that are run by Flying NZ for its Young Eagle members.